The Finance Committee advises the Pastor on the financial condition of the Parish and oversees expenditures to ensure budget is maintained. (Diocesan guidelines require the Pastor to appoint these ministers.) Contact: Chairman Mike Bovee, 715.423.8335
Scrip is a fundraiser for our parish. St. Lawrence purchases gift certificates at a small discount and sells them at full price. The difference is given to the parish by participating stores. Contact: Patti Quinnell, 715.424.4263
The Building & Grounds Committee helps with general maintenance of Parish property and helps keep the grounds of the Parish beautiful. Contact: Lenny Budzinski, 715.323.8145
The Finance Committee advises the Pastor on the financial condition of the Parish and oversees expenditures to ensure budget is maintained. (Diocesan guidelines require the Pastor to appoint these ministers.) Contact: Chairman Mike Bovee, 715.423.8335
Scrip is a fundraiser for our parish. St. Lawrence purchases gift certificates at a small discount and sells them at full price. The difference is given to the parish by participating stores. Contact: Patti Quinnell, 715.424.4263
The Building & Grounds Committee helps with general maintenance of Parish property and helps keep the grounds of the Parish beautiful. Contact: Lenny Budzinski, 715.323.8145